We're building a blue wall in the south
“The road ahead for the Democratic Party lies squarely in the South.”
-David Axelrod, Former Senior Advisor to President Obama
The “blue wall” is over.
For years, the reliable “blue wall” states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin delivered key political victories for the Democratic Party. But in 2016, the wall showed its cracks. And in 2024, it crumbled to the ground.
Meanwhile, there’s a new generation of Democrats rising to power in the South where Republicans have historically held an advantage.
In 2020, Georgia went blue for the first time in 20 years. In 2024, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico all elected Democrats to the Senate. North Carolina elected a Democratic governor, and we even flipped House seats in Alabama and Louisiana.
We’re building a new “blue wall” in the South by amplifying our message in parts of the country that Democrats have ignored for far too long. We’re registering new voters, engaging with young leaders, and mobilizing the next generation of Southern Democrats.
It’s time we moved our party forward. It’s time for a blue South.
We’re getting ready to paint the town blue.

Blue South PAC is empowering a new generation of Democrats that is growing larger by the hour.

We give candidates the tools they need to mobilize their supporters and change history.